Former manager of Dominic has his say on Domimic after player refuses to sign his contract with Everton and pushing for a move to leave Everton

Former Everton Striker Weighs in on Dominic Calvert-Lewin’s leaving Situation

Dominic Calvert-Lewin’s contract situation has left Everton in a precarious position. The England international is in the final year of his contract, and if he doesn’t sign a new deal, he could leave on a free transfer next summer. This has sparked concerns among fans and pundits alike, with many wondering what the future holds for the talented striker.

Francis Jeffers, a former Everton striker himself, has shared his thoughts on the situation. Jeffers, who worked with Calvert-Lewin during his time coaching at Everton between 2018 and 2021, believes that the club faces a difficult decision.

“This is a very difficult situation,” Jeffers said in an exclusive interview. “Ultimately, if a deal isn’t going to be reached and DCL is going to leave on a free, then the club do need to get a decent fee for him, given the club’s situation, and they can go and reinvest some of the funds in another striker.”

Jeffers praised Calvert-Lewin’s abilities, noting that he has developed into a leading Premier League striker during his eight years at Everton. “DCL is a top player, one I have worked with in the past, and I like him a lot,” Jeffers said. “Plagued by some injuries, you can see what he is capable of when he has a full season of full fitness. He has played for England and this shows he is capable of being a top Premier League striker, scoring plenty of goals.”

However, Jeffers also acknowledged the risks of losing Calvert-Lewin on a free transfer. “If Everton don’t get a fee for him, it would be a huge loss,” he said. “The club needs to be realistic and understand that they might not be able to keep him. If that’s the case, they need to get a decent fee and reinvest it in the team.”

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